Other of Mother awarded to 8,200 women in Belarus

MINSK, 1 March (BelTA) – The Order of Mother has been awarded to 8,200 Belarusian women for giving birth to and bringing up five and more children, BelTA learned from the State Awards Department of the Main Personnel Policy Department of the Belarus President Administration.

This year the award has been conferred on 87 mothers of many children from various regions of Belarus (in 2015 – on 358 mothers).

This state award was instituted by the presidential decree in 1995. In accordance with the decree of 2006, mothers of many children awarded the Order of Mother receive a nonrecurring monetary allowance equal to the fivefold minimum subsistence budget on average per capita. The money is allocated from the state budget. Besides, Belarusian local executive authorities may provide additional allowances to the award holders.

A special pension for the Belarusian women who gave birth to and brought up nine and more children and were awarded one of the similar orders of the USSR or the Republic of Belarus, such as the Order of Mother, the Medal of Maternity, etc,. was introduced in Belarus in September 2012.

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source: http://eng.belta.by/society/view/other-of-mother-awarded-to-8200-women-in-belarus-89341-2016/
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